Tuesday, August 19, 2008

[IT] - UML for Database Design (The Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series)


Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1st edition
Language: English
ISBN: 0201721635
Paperback: 320 pages
Data: July 24, 2001
Format: CHM
Description: The Unified Modeling Language (UML), the standard graphical notation for modeling business and software application needs, has emerged as an effective modeling tool for database design. When used as a common modeling language for the many facets of system development, the UML can serve as a unifying framework that facilitates the integration of database models with the rest of a system design.
This pragmatic guide introduces you to the UML and leads you through the process of UML-based database modeling and design. The book presents the different types of UML diagrams, explaining how they apply to the database world, and shows how data modeling with the UML can be tied into the Rational Unified Process.

Here is the link: Megaload